This course provides information for any person who may be called upon to execute any task that requires entering a confined space. The course covers OSHA Regulations, review of a permit entry program, emergency procedures, and demonstration of special equipment. In addition, the course will cover atmospheric hazards, monitoring and ventilation techniques, physical hazards, and self-contained breathing apparatus donning operations. Lastly, special hazards of rescue entry situations and rescue techniques will be addressed.
This course teaches students how to conduct a variety of rescues in permit-required confined spaces. Students will learn how to develop and update pre-plans, conduct practice rescues, inspect and maintain equipment, and coordinate with other emergency responders. This training will primarily consist of hands-on field training and is 8-hours in length.
Operators shall receive initial training in the following topics, except in topics which the employer can demonstrate are not applicable to safe operation in the employer’s workplace. This course covers:
This two hour course is designed for Managers, Supervisors, and ALL employees. OSHA has amended the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) to align its requirements with the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, or GHS. The GHS amendments to HazCom preserve the employee information and training requirements under the pre-GHS standard. However, there are additional employee training requirements under the GHS amendment that must be completed by December 1, 2013.All employees must receive this training. This course will cover:
Recordkeeping is one of the most critical requirements on which OSHA is currently focusing its compliance enforcement efforts. It’s essential that you properly document a work-related injury or illness and retain the necessary records, or you’ll risk hefty fines and other penalties. This class will cover:
While all workers in the lab are responsible for contributing to a safe working environment, OSHA requires supervisors to play an important role in identifying and avoiding hazards, maintaining a clean and safe lab, training employees, preparing for emergencies, and keeping records. This training session will help laboratory supervisors gain a better understanding of the specifics of their role in implementing and demonstrating safe lab procedures. Supervisors will be able to identify the relevant OSHA standard for laboratory safety and discuss major components and requirements. This class will cover:
This course provides information on the following:
MSC Safety Solutions OSHA 10-Hour General Indusrty is a part of an OSHA outreach program that results in a valid DOL/OSHA 10-Hour Card. This OSHA10 instructor led training course teaches recognition, avoidance, abatement and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces. This course also provides information regarding workers’ rights, employer responsibilities and how to file a complaint. It was also designed to help workers stay up-to-date with their OSHA safety requirements. MSC Safety Solutions OSHA10 course has been taken by thousands of construction workers. It’s the easiest way to complete your training and earn a valid OSHA 10-Hour Card.
MSC Safety Solutions OSHA 30-Hour General Industry is an OSHA-Authorized course featuring the required steps for completing OSHA Outreach training. This training covers everything from Electrical Hazard Safety to Fall Protection. Our OSHA 30-Hour course is a proven way to receive a valid OSHA 30-Hour Card and achieve the safety level required by your company for work in the general industry. MSC Safety Solutions is one of the most trusted names in safety training and we’re here specifically to help you learn the essential skills you need to perform your work safely. MSC Safety Solutions OSHA 30-Hour course has been taken by thousands of construction workers. It’s simply the easiest way to complete your training and earn your OSHA 30-Hour requirement.
If OSHA suddenly appeared at your company’s door, would you be ready for a tour of your facility? Like many regulatory agencies, OSHA conducts unannounced inspections to verify compliance status. How should you prepare for that dreaded day when the OSHA compliance officer knocks on the door? In a perfect world, the best approach would be to protect yourself and your company by knowing and complying with the regulations that apply to your facility. Theoretically, there would be no unpleasant surprises and it wouldn’t matter whether the inspection is announced or not. In this course, we teach you to better prepare for and survive the process.