
Recent posts on industry news, insightful information and anecdotes.

American Heart Month

February presents American Heart Awareness Month. This month take some time to educate your workers on the importance of heart health. Below are some definitions and facts that will help lead your discussion.

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Does Safety hinder Production?

it is not safety that is hindering production. It is poor scheduling that is going to ultimately hinder production.

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Leveraging Safety Inspections for a Proactive Safety Culture

Encourage your staff to find as many safety violations items as possible during the week, correct, and log them on your inspection form.  Praise them for having a long list of items that were found and corrected, and trust that over a period of time, if you work the process, the number of items found will decrease. 

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OSHA Changes Silica National Emphasis Program

This new program will be measured for effectiveness by regional offices and the OHE through collecting data on the number of employees covered, the number of workers removed from hazards, reductions in worker exposures, abatement procedures implemented, and the number of violations related to specifically targeted hazards.

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Who’s Running Your House?

If the employees are not following our basic requirements for safety, whose fault is it?  The Safety Professional is not in charge of the project and has no authority over the employees.  Management should understand that if we have safety issues in our company, start looking at who’s running your house before you fault your safety failures on to the Safety Professional. 

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